Farhad Parvizi , Experienced Agile & Leadership Trainer

Farhad Parvizi is an experienced professional with a proven background in Procurement, Tender Preparation, Business Development, Operations Management, who is also professional macro-economist with the background in Austrian School of Economics. He has big experience in investment analysis, debt management, and fund raising, and he is the author of the first popular economics book in Azeri  language "How to protect your money in upcoming monetary collapse". 
Specialties: Macro-economics, investment analysis, fund raising, debt management, procurement consultancy (planning, development, implementation), tender preparation, business development, procurement outsourcing, assistance in contracts negotiations, project/operations management, and government liaison.

     Professional Experience:

  • Kentech Group: Regional BD Director-Euroasia / Apr 2019 –Present;
  • Silkway Technics: Director Supply Chain Management/ Feb 2015-Apr 2019;
  • Silkway Holding: Deputy Director, Department of Finance and Economics/ Jun 2012-February 2015;
  • Contenders: Founder and General Director/Jul 2008-Jun 2012;
  • Ministry of Finance, Public Debt Management Agency: Division Chief, External Debt Management/ March 2009-Dec 2011.